
Saturday, March 8, 2014

International Women’s Day 2014: 'Inspiring Change' through photography

"The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights" Gloria Steinem

Saturday, March 8 is an important day for women - International Women’s Day. It may be a surprise for a common man (gender equality?) to learn that the International Women's Day has been celebrated around the world for over 100 years.

Important Timeline

1908: Chicago celebrated the first Women's Day on 3 May.
1909: New York observed the first Women's Day on 28 February.
1909: United States of America celebrated the first National Woman's Day on 28 February.
1911: First International Women's Day was celebrated in different countries.
1977: U.N. General Assembly invited member states to proclaim March 8 as the U.N. Day     for women's rights and world peace.

Since from the year 1911, 8th March  has been specified as International Women's day and now this day has grown into a global event. The day was marked with grand celebrations in more than 100 countries across the globe. Most of the countries declare 8th March as the official  holiday for women. Indian Women's organization and NGOs play an active role in the Women's Day celebrations and organize various events, meetings, discussions, debates and even recognizing women achievers through awards.

Some of the pictures posted here may communicate stories. The validity of the theme 'Inspiring Changes' is placed for your review. 

 'Matridevo bhava' or 'Let your mother be God to you'
“Equal pay for work of equal value”
International women’s day is also called Working women’s day
Emancipation of Working Women
Rehabilitation for old aged women, destitute and widows
'Educate a girl child and be the agent of change'
Overloaded and overburdened
Clothing and Jewelry: Women's Liberation?
Dowry System and violence against women: Struggle for Liberation
Indian Women: Homelessness and Poverty

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